Poloniex How To Deposit Money Best Crypto Bots For Mac

Poloniex How To Deposit Money Best Crypto Bots For Mac Rating: 3,1/5 7314 votes

The following article will get you started with all the details needed to run Crypto-Bot like a Pro! We suggest that you take the time to read all that our powerful tool can do and how to configure your copy of Crypto-Bot. Crypto-Bot is an easy to use, advanced crypto trading bot. You define your trading strategy and watch Crypto-Bot do the trading for you.

Enabling you to get up to hundreds of profitable trades per day, 24/7. For security reasons, Crypto-Bot runs on your local computer or your server only.

Poloniex How To Deposit Money Best Crypto Bots For Mac2017

Poloniex How To Deposit Money Best Crypto Bots For Mac Free

This way your trading API secret stays private, and nobody can influence your trading. No need for a subscription, a one time fee gets you lifetime support and software updates. Crypto-Bot is used by thousands of users and has an awesome community:heart: We aim to build the perfect money machine. DISCLAIMER: We suggest everyone to read this wiki, even if you don't want to buy Crypto-Bot: the algorithms this bot uses, can be applied to manual trading as well, so if you want to get started with altcoins trading, read this carefully and you will get a profit in a very short time.

The difference between manual trading and trading with Crypto-Bot is the ability to trade and make profit 24/7, even when you sleep. Proff dj-app for mac. We suggest everyone to read this wiki, even if you don't want to buy Crypto-Bot: the algorithms this bot uses, can be applied to manual trading as well, so if you want to get started with altcoins trading, read this carefully and you will get a profit in a very short time. The difference between manual trading and trading with Crypto-Bot is the ability to trade and make profit 24/7, even when you sleep. Bollinger Band - Gain - Step Gain - Ping Pong - BBRSI - TSSL Increasing the power of BB strategy with the following algo: StepGain, Gain, PingPong. You can now mix the 4 strategies as you wish on the 3 supported markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex.

Here are the possible algo you can use: Pure BB: the BB formula has been improved, it now shows good values and it is not consuming the amount of CPU it used in v3.1. I suggest to start with 30 lowBB and 30 highBB values and then tune them on the fly for each coin. You can restart the bot whenever you want: it will remember the BB. To use this strategy set BUYSTRATEGY: 'BB' and SELLSTRATEGY: 'BB' in your config files. Pure STEPGAIN: BUYSTRATEGY: 'STEPGAIN' and SELLSTRATEGY: 'STEPGAIN' in your config files, will give you the power to explore up and down until the bot finds the best price to buy and the highest price to sell (supergun trend watchdog applies with improved algo).

All of this on all 3 markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex. We have now 2 levels of BUY and 2 levels of SELL only in config files, since the third has not been really useful. Set BUYLVL and SELLLVL to the right level you want to use. Example: if you have BUYLVL1 to 3 and BUYLVL2 to 5, set BUYLVL to 2 if you want to explore from to 5%to infinite, or set BUYLVL to 1 if you want to explore from 3% to infinite. Pure GAIN: BUYSTRATEGY: 'GAIN' and SELLSTRATEGY: 'GAIN' in yoru config files will give you the power to explore from BUYLEVEL% to infinite and from GAIN% to infinite. For example: if you set BUYLEVEL to 3 and GAIN to 5, it will buy at 3% or more (supergun trend watchdog applies) and it will sell at 5% or more (again supergun trend watchdog applies).

All of this in all markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex. Pure PINGPONG: set a price to buy and a price to sell in PINGPONGBUY and PINGPONGSELL config values and your bot will continuosly buy at PINGPONGBUY price or lower and sell at PINGPONGSELL or higher. Supergun trend watchdog applies and this strategy is available in all markets: Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex.

Poloniex How To Deposit Money Best Crypto Bots For Mac Download

Any MIX of above strategies: you can set BUYSTRATEGY and SELLSTRATEGY values to any mix you want. For example you can buy with BB and sell with PINGPONG, or you can buy with PINGPONG and sell with GAIN, or BUY with STEPGAIN and sell with GAIN, and so on. Any mix you use, supergun trend watchdog will always help you to get a lower price to buy and an higher price to sell of what you put in configs: all of this on all markets, Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken.