E Medsys For Mac

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  1. E Medsys For Mac

Established by TriMed Technologies, e-Medsys is a robust Electronic Health Record (EHR), Practice Management (PM) and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solution provider for all sized practices. It is suitable for physicians and medical practices in a wide range of specialties such as Family Medicine, Mental & Behavioral Health, Occupational Medicine, Cardiology, Surgery Centers and more. The EMR contains specialty-specific coding and templates to help practitioners during consultations, as well as support and integration for imaging and diagnostic equipment to streamline all documentation needed to complete a patient file. E-Medsys EHR is equipped with many sound features to modify and organize the workplace efficiently. These features include Electronic Medical Record (EMR), EHR interactive notations, Patient Management, Voice Recognition, Handwriting Recognition, Medicine Management, Patient History, Patient Scheduling, and e-Prescribing. The EMRs Practice Management solution is fully integrated with the EHR and it has many prominent features which help practitioners in expecting advanced collections, appointment scheduling, eligibility checking, authorization tracking, credit posting, EDI managing, patient registration, and patient recall.

Patient Portal services are also available with this health IT software through which patients can have secure communication with their Health Care Providers with full HIPAA compliance. They can have greater access to their Medical Summary, Request Appointment, and Request Refills as well as medical billing services. E-Medsys is ONC- ATCB certified for Meaningful use and is fully HIPAA complaint which ensures that patients’ data are fully secured. E-Medsys can work on any device and from anywhere.

The EMRs mobile abilities are wide-stretching, allowing users to access patient records, e-Prescribe medication, capture patient signature, track vitals, and much more. TriMed offers a long-term customer support which is available anytime to answer the queries along with installation and consultation services.

MedSIS is an online application for use by University of Toronto undergraduate medical (MD) students,teachers in the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) program, and administrative staff associatedwith the program directly or indirectly. Each user’s access is determined and maintained centrally by UME.Please contact the MedSIS & Evaluations Administrative Coordinator at the UME officeat or 905-947-9924 x253 if you have questions about your account. MedSIS, an Internet service, is offered by the Undergraduate MedicalEducation Office of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto,Canada. As an online application, MedSIS can be accessed around the globe; however,MedSIS service is restricted to legitimate users as identified by UndergraduateMedical Education. If you are a legitimate user whois having difficulty logging on to MedSIS. Undergraduate Medical Education at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine owns thecopyright to all text, graphics, and multimedia content in the MedSIS pages of thisWorld Wide Web site. No material may be reproduced on any medium or in any location,without the express written permission of the UME office.

Please direct all enquiries tothe MedSIS & Evaluations Administrative Coordinator at or 905-947-9924 x253. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks found in the MedSISpages are trademarks of UME Office.

Visa is a registered trademarkof Visa International Incorporated. MasterCard is a trademarkof MasterCard International Incorporated. Microsoft Windows, Windows95, Windows 98, Internet Explorer are trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation in the USA and other countries.

The UME Office will make every reasonable effort to provide uninterruptedMedSIS service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year- but cannot guarantee that MedSIS service will be available atall times. In most cases, if a MedSIS service function is unavailable,users will receive on-screen notification of the temporary unavailabilityof the service. If you have problems getting connected to MedSIS,please contact the MedSIS & Evaluations Administrative Coordinator in the UMEOffice at or 905-947-9924 x253 as an alternative. Security is critical to your use of MedSIS. Interestingly, securityis a shared responsibility.

Here is a breakdown of these responsibilities. You are responsible for the following:. Protecting your access information. Login PIN. MedSIS password. Knowing your browser - gain abasic understanding of how the security features in your browserfunction.

Use this ' link to review the security featuresof your browser software. Checking your secure site identifiers(padlocks, keys, etc.) each time you access a secure site toensure all the security features are working for you. Logging off properly Internet service provider You choose who to use as your access provider to the Internet.Care should be exercised in selecting a service provider withintegrity and a good, solid reputation.

In other words, know whoyou are trusting. Taking precautions to ensure the security features available withinyour browser are properly employed is the surest way to have confidencein using the Internet for financial and other confidential transactions. UME Office The UME Office is wholly responsible for protection of customers'personal and financial information within the server that housesthe MedSIS service. The server is owned, operated and maintainedby the UME Office; it is protected behind a high-security firewall.The UME Office systems ensures that only encrypted transmissions(including account/personal information) are allowed to communicatetransaction requests within MedSIS. The UME Office does NOT warrantthe security of E-mail. Until such time as UME is satisfied with the security of Internet e-mail,it will not provide confidential information such as PINs and passwords over e-mail.Similarly, MedSIS users are expressly discouraged from sending confidential orpersonal information via Internet e-mail messages; MedSIS users who choose to send Internete-mail messages that contain personal or confidential information to the UME Office do soentirely at their own risk.However, general product or service questions and inquiries are always welcome. The frequently asked questions below will help answer some ofthe questions you might have about the security features availablewithin your browser.

For more information, please refer to yourbrowser's 'Help' files. A browser is the software on your computer that allows you toview information from the Internet. Information is written ina coded language, 'HTTP' (HyperText Transfer Protocol), whichyour browser receives and translates into the images and texton your computer's monitor so you can see it and read it. Thereare many different browser software packages available; the twomost common are Netscape Navigator® and Microsoft Internet Explorer®. Your browser requires time to translate the information from theInternet to display it as text and images on your computer's monitor.To reduce this time requirement, your browser is equipped witha 'cache'. The cache allows your browser to store the text andimages of sites you have visited in a 'cache memory'.

The nexttime you visit the same site, your browser will check to see ifit has a stored copy of the page in its cache. If it finds one,your browser will display the stored copy because it can loadit much faster. The benefit of using cached pages is the speed with which previouslyvisited pages are displayed on your computer. Some disadvantages of using cached pages are: - the information may not be current depending on how long agoyou visited the page - pages may be stored in your computer's cache that you don'twant anyone else to see You can set your browser's cache settings so pages are storedbased on your requirements. Your browser can be set to treat securepages differently from insecure pages; for more information aboutyour browser's cache and how to select and set the cache settings,please see the 'Help' file within your browser. To maintain optimal security on your computer for your financialinformation, the UME Office recommends that you clear your cacheeach time you complete a MedSIS session.

Depending on what browser you are using, Netscape Navigator® orMicrosoft Internet Explorer®, you will see evidence of whetheryou are at a secure or unsecured site. Lock displayed on screen: Netscape Navigator displaysa padlock in the lower left corner of your screen.

If you areat a secure site the padlock will be in a locked position; ifyou are at an unsecured site the padlock will be open. Microsoft Internet Explorer displays a padlock at the bottom ofyour screen just right of center if you are on a secure site;if you are at an unsecured site, nothing is displayed. Warning messages Your browser provides a warning message system that will tellyou when you are moving to or from a secure page. We have foundthat a lot of Internet users find these messages irritating andtend to turn them off.

E Medsys For Mac

We strongly recommend that you do not turnthe messages off. They are there to assist you with understandingand maintaining security within your browser. Site certificates Site certificates are issued to the secure site owners by a CertificateAuthority. VeriSign® is the Certificate Authority that issuesthe UME Office site certificate (The certificate may also belabeled RSA Data Security, Inc.). The UME Office provides detailedcorporate information to VeriSign to prove their authenticity,then VeriSign® issues a site certificate to the UME Office. Byclicking on the padlock in either Netscape Navigator or MicrosoftInternet Explorer, information about the site certificate is displayed.This allows you to verify that you have connected to the siteto which you intended to connect.

E Medsys For Mac

Encryption is the process of scrambling information usinga secret code so it cannot be understood by anyone other thanthose who have the key for decoding the information. For encryptionto work, both the sender and receiver must be able to encodeand decode the information. The site certificate providesthe private key for encoding the information. There are different levels of encryption commonly availablewithin web browsers: 40 or 56-bit and 128-bit.

The main differencebetween 40 or 56-bit encryption and 128-bit encryption isthat 128-bit encryption provides a significantly greater amountof cryptographic protection than 40 or 56-bit encryption.The 128-bit encryption level is the strongest generally availableencryption level at this time – the UME Office requires theuse of 128-bit encryption for MedSIS service. When you talk about encryption levels, what do the '40', '56',and '128' stand for?

The '40', '56', and '128' refers to the size of the key usedto encrypt the message. Encryption strength is therefore measuredby the length of its key, which is expressed in bits. Thelarger the key, the more digits involved, resulting in a greatervariety of number combinations. Simply stated, the largerthe key, the harder it is for someone to guess it. Information on the World Wide Web is transmitted using 'HTTP'(HyperText Transfer Protocol). Secure data on the Web is distributedby using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

This is a layer ofsecurity over top of HTTP information. (The location addressesfor secure sites use 'https:' at the beginning instead ofthe regular insecure 'http:'). Your browser would have beenshipped to you with SSL enabled. Please see your browser's'Help' files for more information about SSL. When you have completed your MedSIS session, click the ' Logout'button at the left side of the page. This expires your sessionand prevents further access to your accounts until you loginto MedSIS again.

Shutting down your browser is another way to ensure that yourinformation is not available for anyone else who shares yourcomputer to view.